Print Hello, World! using C.

Configure with CMake. Run with Docker.


Configuring and compiling a project can be complex, even for a simple code base. This project illustrates two different approaches, each using CMake:

Directory Structure

A high-level view of the project is:

├── build_hello_world/
├── hello_world/
├── Dockerfiles/
├── docs/
├── example.env

hello_world contains the source code.

build_hello_world is an out-of-tree build directory. Build commands are run here and build output is generated here, leaving the source directory untouched. This allows you to compile for different configurations (release, debug), different architectures (x86, ARM, etc), or even with different compilers! I’ve created one for your convenience, but you are typically expected to create your own.

Dockerfiles/ contains a Dockerfile that can be used for compilation. I’ve included it for your convenience, but typically you’ll fetch this yourself. is a helper script for starting a Docker container. You don’t have to use it, but it will make things easier.

example.env demonstrates how to configure There are a few environment variables to keep things flexible.

docs/ contains the source code for these documentation pages. You can look at it if you’d like, but you’re already reading the result.

Build Instructions

For detailed build instructions, see one of the following: